FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Eric Edson Highlights 5 Romantic Comedy Screenwriters
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 5 Twitter Accounts Scriptwriters Should Follow

Los Angeles, CA, June 12th, 2013 – In an effort to ensure up-and-coming screenwriters are aware of the best screenwriting resources online, Eric Edson reviewed several Twitter accounts that can provide excellent information. The author and screenwriter wanted to make sure that those who follow the screenwriting tips outlined in his book have an understanding of how the business of selling a movie script works. 

Twitter can provide a valuable source of information to sell a screenplay. Following an insider’s Twitter account can lead to useful tips on agents, deals, and movie results.  Once a creative screenwriting project is fully developed, script writers may benefit by following tweets from well known screenwriters when trying to sell a screenplay.  

The final selections were chosen based on reputation of the feed manager, reliability of information, and timeliness of data. Scriptwriters who follow these Twitter accounts will build a good foundation of knowledge about Hollywood and the film business.  The full review can be read online on the Story Solution screenwriting blog.

After thorough consideration, Eric Edson recommends that scriptwriters follow these Twitter accounts: ScriptChat, Bad Script Advice, Writer’s Relief, Box Office Mojo and The Story Solution. If you are seeking knowledge that will help you sell a screenplay, these information outlets will guide you along the way.

“We’re stuck with technology, so we might as well use it to our best advantage. Tools like Twitter are much overlooked. Tweets from well known screenwriters offer truth reduced to 140 characters of wisdom. We hope this review helps our loyal readers connect with valuable screenwriting resources online.” said Eric Edson

Eric Edson’s book, The Story Solution: 23 Actions All Great Heroes Must Take, is a scriptwriting course that outlines the completely new Hero Goal Sequences® method for screenwriters and novelists to create dynamic heroes and powerful stories that get deals. The Story Solution website is a valuable source for information on screenwriting books.

About The Story Solution:  The Story Solution was written by accomplished screenwriter Eric Edson. It reveals the 23 actions used to create dynamic, three dimensional heroes and link all parts of a captivating screenplay together into a seamless storyline. He also covers screenwriting tips and screenwriting books. Visit the website and Facebook page or call 818- 677-3192 for more information or to download a sample from the book.

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  1. I know that generally social networking sites such as twitter, facebook, and instagram, are utilized to advertise and market products/ services. But here Eric Edson suggests 5 specific twitter accounts that script writers can follow to get reliable information on the technical and business end of story scriptwriting. Works for me. I’m grateful, Eric Edson, for insight that’s hard to come by for new up-and-coming screenwriters like me. Keep it up!

  2. I know that generally social networking sites such as twitter, facebook, and instagram, are utilized to advertise and market products/ services. But here Eric Edson suggests 5 specific twitter accounts that script writers can follow to get reliable information on the technical and business end of story scriptwriting. Works for me. I’m grateful, Eric Edson, for insight that’s hard to come by for new up-and-coming screenwriters like me. Keep it up!

  3. Karen Perry says:

    “Tools like Twitter are much overlooked. Tweets from well known screenwriters offer truth reduced to 140 characters of wisdom. We hope this review helps our loyal readers connect with valuable screenwriting resources online.” I totally agree with Eric Edson here… And these truths, condensed into 140 characters can be the most powerful screenplay selling and screenwriting tips up-and-coming screenwriters could take advantage of. Following these Twitter personalities could also give you first-hand news and insider insights to deals and movie results.

  4. Karen Perry says:

    “Tools like Twitter are much overlooked. Tweets from well known screenwriters offer truth reduced to 140 characters of wisdom. We hope this review helps our loyal readers connect with valuable screenwriting resources online.” I totally agree with Eric Edson here… And these truths, condensed into 140 characters can be the most powerful screenplay selling and screenwriting tips up-and-coming screenwriters could take advantage of. Following these Twitter personalities could also give you first-hand news and insider insights to deals and movie results.

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