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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Eric Edson Highlights Screenplay Consultants

LOS ANGELES, CA – August 27, 2013:  EricEdson, author of The Story Solution: 23 Actions All Great Heroes Must Take, released  the first installment of a two-part article this month entitled, “Screenplay Consultants To Learn From.

The informative review aims to introduce scriptwriting newcomers to industry professionals who can help them develop their creative screenwriting skills. Eric Edson wanted to make sure upcoming authors would be aware of consultants who have the most valuable insights to offer. He believes that learning from these screenplay consultants will help screenwriters understand how to create scripts that captivate and sell.

Eric Edson looked at the strengths of several top screenplay consultants.  Based on each consultant’s reputation in the screenwriting industry, their background experience, and ability to help up-and-coming authors, Edson chose to feature: Story Mastery (Michael Hauge), On The Page (Pilar Alessandra) and Linda Seger. 

“It’s not easy to learn the secrets of the scriptwriting industry, but these screenplay consultants can provide newcomers with a terrific edge,” commented Edson. “They can analyze a script, provide insightful commentary, and recommend revisions that will make it sharper and more likely to sell. Whenever I’m teaching a class or seminar about screenwriting I advise the students to take advantage of all the professional help they can find.”

If you are an aspiring screenwriter, Edson advises you to learn all you can about the industry script requirements from one of these screenplay consultants.

About The Story Solution: The Story Solution was written by accomplished screenwriter Eric Edson. It reveals the 23 actions used to create dynamic, three dimensional heroes and link all parts of a captivating screenplay. He also covers screenwriting tips, screenwriting resources, and screenwriting books. Visit the website and Facebook page or call 818- 677-3192 for more information.

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  1. Ethan Baker says:

    This article made me realized that it is never degrading for any writer to ask help and guidance from experience screenplay consultants. In fact, it is a humbling encounter between aspiring writers and screenplay consultants to share their knowledge and experiences about their craft.

  2. Ethan Baker says:

    This article made me realized that it is never degrading for any writer to ask help and guidance from experience screenplay consultants. In fact, it is a humbling encounter between aspiring writers and screenplay consultants to share their knowledge and experiences about their craft.

  3. Phil Mason says:

    Indeed, screenplay writing is a complex and dynamic craft/ profession. Hence, aspiring writers need to acquire essential information from reliable screenplay consultants with competent experience and exceptional credentials.

  4. Phil Mason says:

    Indeed, screenplay writing is a complex and dynamic craft/ profession. Hence, aspiring writers need to acquire essential information from reliable screenplay consultants with competent experience and exceptional credentials.

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